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Great product, original Japanese Lactis EL027826792JP
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Good effect. I shall order again. Original made-in-japan package as promised EG401137451JP
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Real Japanese laennec. Thank you! I shall order again. EJ377189782JP
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Great effect! Got my hair back in 3 months. EG401137588JP
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Lost 3 kilos since started to drink it last month. Great for fitness EG299855913JP
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Bought it for my son. Good effect and great service. EG299855961JP
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Original touchi, fast delivery and good price. Thank you. EG401137156JP
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Good medicine. Think it really helps me to fight cancer. EL025661542JP
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3 times cheaper than in our country! And great effect for knees EJ365886698JP
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Great thing to support diet. Lost 4 kilos for 6 weeks. Shall order more EJ365886675JP
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Each month we publish shipping reports for ourcustomers. We ship dozens of parcels all over the world. Publishing tracking numbersdoes not infringe any privacy rights, however they can prove that all goods areshipped directly from Japan and that they were delivered to our customers inother countries. You can track and check any tracking number on EMS Japanwebsite or on the website of the National Post operator of the destinationcountry.

We ship worldwide. Ourcustomer geography covers more than 60 countries (as you may see on the mapbelow). We ship mainly in Western and Central Europe, USA and Canada, NIS andRussia. We also ship to such countries as Serbia, Ecuador, Trinidad and Tobago.For countries where EMS delivery is unavailable we ship by airmail.   

Fig. 1. Customer Geography (2010-2020).

WE WORK ONLINE AND SHIP WORLDWIDE FOR 10 YEARS - Our Website with Japanese Cosmetics works from 2013 Year - https://web.archive.org/web/*/sale-japan.com  Our website with Japanese vitamins and medicine works form Year 2011  https://web.archive.org/web/*/bio-japan.net 





Here you can find feedback from our customers. Those who kindly provided their feedback via our contact form or by e-mail. 

Check real EMS numbers

All Numbers dispatched DIRECTLY FROM JAPAN.

We work from 2011 year - you may check web archieve data via - https://web.archive.org/web/*/bio-japan.net 



You CAN CHECK EVERY NUMBER on https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/ems/index_en.html EMS JAPAN WEBSITE tracking sercvie (in English).




DATE Tracking Number Country Feedback
2020.11.27 RA085581927JP Singapore Thank you for order update
2020.11.24 RA085678400JP Spain Thanks for fast shipping
2020.11.23 RA085678395JP Kazakhstan Got tracking yesterday, thaks.
2020.11.21 RA085678360JP Belgium Swift shipping, thanks!
2020.11.21 RA085678413JP Switzerland Lactis helps my Dad, great product
2020.11.19 RA079678017JP France good quality
2020.11.18 RA079678025JP Bulgaria Both quality and service are outstanding
2020.11.18 RA085678427JP Kazakhstan Original product at good price.
2020.11.17 RA079677997JP Spain Very good package, safe shipping.
2020.11.17 CD408135795JP Russia Thank you for japanese service.
2020.11.15 RA079677983JP Netherlands Thank you for your servive.
2020.11.15 RA079677970JP UK I shall order again!
2020.11.13 RA079677966JP Armenia Very good service.
2020.11.13 RA079677935JP Kazakhstan Raplied all questions and adviced best options.
2020.11.13 EG744733715JP Ghana Received parcel today, thank you.
2020.11.12 RA079677949JP Singapore Got my touchi extract, hope it works.
2020.11.11 RA079677904JP Monaco Bought original Melsmon, thanks.
2020.11.11 RA079678051JP Poland Goods receivied, thanks.
2020.11.11 CD408135764JP Serbia Thank you for your work!
2020.11.10 RA079677918JP Estonia Great medicine, thank you.
2020.11.10 RA079677895JP Austria No additional custom dues, as was stated
2020.11.10 EG744733701JP Indonesia Thank you, thank you very much.
2020.11.07 RA079677881JP Thailand Japanese quality is the best ever,
2020.11.04 RA079677864JP Poland Thanks, package delivered today
2020.11.04 RA079677878JP Latvia Got goods, best regards!
2020.11.04 CD403861402JP Russia I wish you great business!
2020.10.29 RA079677855JP Austria Price for Lactis is really low!
2020.10.29 EG741243880JP UK You socmetiics is the best, I am your client
2020.10.27 RA079678153JP Malaysia Prices arte lower than in pharmacies
2020.10.27 RA079678140JP Sweden Real japanese service,
2020.10.23 RA079678122JP Thailand Bought gammalon for my child. Thanks!
2020.10.22 RA079678096JP Germany High quality cosmetics, real vip product
2020.10.22 RA079678105JP Spain Adant is 5 times cheaper than in russia
2020.10.20 CD408137235JP Russia Got laennec today. Original product, confirm.
2020.10.19 RA071734870JP France Good present, good shop.
2020.10.16 RA071734897JP UK Touchi helped my mother
2020.10.15 EG741243859JP Bulgaria thank you, goods delivered in 8 days
2020.10.12 RA071734923JP Spain Thanks for chondroitin
2020.10.07 RA071734937JP Azerbaijan Nice to have business with you.
2020.10.06 RA071734954JP Kazakhstan Thank you for original melsmon.
2020.10.05 RA071734971JP Italy Goods received,
2020.10.02 RA071735005JP Thailand Bought present for wife, she is delighted.
2020.10.02 RA071734999JP Switzerland Great quality at optimal price
2020.10.01 RA059596282JP Lithuania Thanks a lot!
2020.10.01 CD424966350JP Russia Goods delivered on time.
2020.09.30 RA059596217JP Latvia Thank you fo great work.
2020.09.29 RA069953029JP France I am in love with Melsmon!
2020.09.25 RA069952916JP Kazakhstan Laennec is efficient. Use for 2 years
2020.09.25 RA069953063JP Poland Bought fucoidan, great effect.
2020.09.25 RA069953077JP Switzerland Got parcel after 12 days! That was long
2020.09.21 RA071734818JP Hungary Gammalon shows effect. Thank you.
2020.09.21 RA071734804JP Bulgaria Got goods.
2020.09.21 RA071734795JP Spain Great japanese service.
2020.09.18 CD392611477JP Russia Promt delivery and no additional taxes!
2020.09.17 EG741243845JP Malaysia Waited for reply for 1 day, but feedback is good
2020.09.16 RA071734821JP UK Very polite staff.
2020.09.12 RA071734835JP Germany Got goods, tmany thanks.
2020.09.12 RA071734849JP Latvia very effective pain killer EVE
2020.09.10 RA071734852JP Thailand Bought minophagen, good thing!
2020.09.08 RA071734631JP UK Pleasant staff. Shall use this store
2020.09.08 EG741243831JP Canada Package received today. Thank you
2020.09.08 RA071734778JP Qatar Proffesional support, great store.
2020.09.07 RA071734659JP France The best service I ever dealt with.
2020.09.07 RA071734645JP Luxemburg High quality sream and essence.
2020.09.04 RA071734662JP Kazakhstan I love baby foot! No match for chinese fake
2020.09.02 RA071734680JP Germany Ordered lactis, great supplement.
2020.08.31 RA071734702JP Poland Wide choice and pleasant attitude
2020.08.31 RA071734693JP France Very good store,
2020.08.29 RA071734733JP UK Japan is number one! Thank you.
2020.08.29 RA071734716JP Korea S. Cosmetics is outstanding and great
2020.08.29 RA071734747JP Bosnia Reliable business partner.
2020.08.28 CD412623445JP USA Got in 1 week. Thank you.
2020.08.27 RA071734530JP Lithuania Very good cure, I advice to use it
2020.08.27 RA071734543JP Vietnam VIP quality and support.
2020.08.25 CD412623437JP Australia Good parcel without problems or custom dues
2020.08.22 EG741243814JP Switzerland Great precise work.
2020.08.20 RA069931023JP Thailand Got in 4 days, thank you.
2020.08.20 CD412623542JP Russia Goods received,
2020.08.20 RA071734588JP Singapore Bought present for wife, she is delighted.
2020.08.18 RA071734591JP Netherlands Great quality at optimal price
2020.08.18 RA071734605JP UK Thanks a lot!
2020.08.16 RA071734628JP Bulgaria Got parcel yesterday.
2020.08.16 RA069046347JP New Zealand I lost 5kg!! Thak you.
2020.08.12 RA069046320JP Thailand Wide choice of goods,
2020.08.10 RA069046302JP Latvia got parcek yesterday
2020.08.10 RA069046293JP Singapore Why the courier did not leave the notice?!
2020.08.06 CD332295335JP Kazakhstan Shiseido is number one!
2020.08.05 RA069046228JP Spain Lactis price is really low!
2020.08.03 CD332295327JP USA Arigato!!
2020.08.01 RA069046191JP Estonia Got parcel today, I loiked the present
2020.07.30 RA069046188JP Lithuania Couries brought goods. You asked to e-mail you.
2020.07.27 RA069046506JP Indonesia Bought origiinal product. Love it.
2020.07.27 RA069046174JP Poland Extract touchi is best choice.
2020.07.24 RA069046483JP Czech Thanks for gift, bath salt is great
2020.07.22 RA069046452JP Thailand BB essence is the best I ever bought
2020.07.21 CD393207184JP Russia Competetive price for Melsmon
2020.07.20 EG743049495JP Vietnam Very nice shop.
2020.07.15 RA069046435JP Luxemburg Bought with discount!
2020.07.15 RA069046421JP Finland It is nice to have business with you.
2020.07.15 RA069046449JP Bulgaria Thank you. Received today.
2020.07.13 RA069046395JP Thailand DX melsmon cream is a miracle.
2020.07.12 RA069046381JP Bulgaria Purchase gammalon for 2 years. It works
2020.07.12 CD392613314JP USA You asked to notify you once I get goods.
2020.07.12 CD392613291JP Russia Cancelled the order, got money back.
2020.07.09 RA069046364JP Norway A reliable business partner
2020.07.09 RA069046378JP Singapore Courier brought parcel 2 hours ago.
2020.07.07 RR069046355JP Belgium Thank you.
2020.07.05 RR456258732JP Germany Great shop and potile staff
2020.07.05 RR456258746JP UK Japanese service.
2020.07.03 CD392610692JP Russia Very good store and products
2020.07.03 CD392610689JP USA Baby foot is my favourite!
2020.07.02 RR456258750JP Hong Kong Gammalon received
2020.07.02 RR456258777JP Canada Original goods at reasanable price
2020.07.01 RR456258794JP Singapore Thank you for your attitude.
2020.07.01 RR456258785JP Poland Got parcel, thank you Alex!
2020.06.29 RR456258817JP Thailand Shiseido is number one!
2020.06.26 RR456258834JP Latvia Lactis price is really low!
2020.06.26 CD392613518JP Russia Arigato!!
2020.06.24 RR456258865JP Germany Got parcel today, I loiked the present
2020.06.24 RR456258851JP Canada Couries brought goods. You asked to e-mail you.
2020.06.19 RR456258879JP Belgium Bought origiinal product. Love it.
2020.06.19 RR456258905JP Spain Extract touchi is best choice.
2020.06.17 RR456258882JP Germany Thanks for gift, bath salt is great
2020.06.17 RR456258936JP Philippines BB essence is the best I ever bought
2020.06.16 RR456258953JP Thailand Competetive price for Melsmon
2020.06.16 RR456258940JP Germany Very nice shop.
2020.06.14 RR456258984JP France Bought with discount!
2020.06.12 RA069046038JP Switzerland It is nice to have business with you.
2020.06.08 RA069046055JP Germany Thank you. Received today.
2020.06.08 RA069046069JP Hong Kong DX melsmon cream is a miracle.
2020.06.08 EG741243774JP Canada Purchase gammalon for 2 years. It works
2020.06.05 CD403861376JP USA You asked to notify you once I get goods.
2020.06.02 CD403861345JP Russia Cancelled the order, got money back.
2020.05.31 CD403861291JP Luxemburg A reliable business partner
2020.05.31 CD403861328JP Russia Courier brought parcel 2 hours ago.
2020.05.31 CD403861288JP Latvia Thank you.
2020.05.28 CD403861265JP USA Great shop and potile staff
2020.05.27 CD403861243JP Kazakhstan Japanese service.
2020.05.26 RA069046072JP Thailand Very good store and products
2020.05.24 RA069046086JP Hong Kong Baby foot is my favourite!
2020.05.24 CD403861212JP Australia Gammalon received
2020.05.24 CD403861226JP Hungary Original goods at reasanable price
2020.05.22 CD393207140JP UK Thank you for your attitude.
2020.05.21 RA069046090JP Taiwan Got parcel, thank you Alex!
2020.05.20 CD392611239JP USA Buy lactis for my family every month. Thanks!
2020.05.17 CD392610905JP UAE Timely delivery and good service.
2020.05.15 RA069046109JP Germany Thanks for good word
2020.05.14 RA069046112JP Thailand Parcel well received. Thanks



New Year holidays Schedule

Dear Customers,   Please be advised that New Year holidays in 2020 - 2021 will affect our services as follows:   SHIPING: We do not ship during Dec 30th – Jan 6th due to Japan Post holidays.   ORDERS: We shall accept orders and reply as usual. Pay attention that standard shipping time for orders placed during Dec 30th – Jan 6th may increase. Pay attention that delays in support service reply are possible on Dec 31st and Jan 1st due to reduced amount of staff.   PAYMENTS: Payment shall be affected only by local New Year holidays. We shall confirm payments on receipt as usual.   POTENTIAL DELAYS IN SHIPING:   Prescription medicines. Some prescription medicines and vials purchased and paid after Dec 15th may not be able to be shipped before December 30th (some injections and). If we do not manage to ship till Dec 30th, we shall ship right after Jan 6th. Please pay attention. Some supplements and cosmetics order after 25th of December may be shipped only after January 10th due to Post Office holidays and maker’s holidays. Please make sure you can wait if you order during Ney Year holidays.   We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. We hope next year will be better than this one. We do hope that pandemic will cease and our lives return to normal next year. Good luck and take care of yourself and your beloved ones.
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Great product, original Japanese Lactis EL027826792JP
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Good effect. I shall order again. Original made-in-japan package as promised EG401137451JP
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Real Japanese laennec. Thank you! I shall order again. EJ377189782JP
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Great effect! Got my hair back in 3 months. EG401137588JP
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Lost 3 kilos since started to drink it last month. Great for fitness EG299855913JP
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Bought it for my son. Good effect and great service. EG299855961JP
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Original touchi, fast delivery and good price. Thank you. EG401137156JP
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Good medicine. Think it really helps me to fight cancer. EL025661542JP
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3 times cheaper than in our country! And great effect for knees EJ365886698JP
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Great thing to support diet. Lost 4 kilos for 6 weeks. Shall order more EJ365886675JP
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